What happens at Sunshines?

It is important for young children to have a routine to help them feel secure and confident. Pre-school sessions are structured so that children can quickly become familiar with routines, but the timetable is very flexible so we can accommodate the needs of individual children, and the group as a whole. All activities to promote the routines of the session are varied and engaging to capture children’s interest and enjoyment.

During a typical session your child will:

• Be welcomed by a member of staff

• Take part in Welcome Time

• Experience a range of enjoyable play-based learning activities

• Be encouraged to help tidy up and be responsible for their environment

• Have time to independently handle books and listen to stories

• Be encouraged to go to the toilet and wash their hands

• Sit with friends to eat a healthy mid-session snack

• Access adult-led learning opportunities in a small group

• Be able to participate in physical activities (both indoors and outdoors)

• Be supported by staff until collected by parent/carer

During every session there will be opportunities for children to practise key skills as they experience activities that support all areas of the curriculum

Children will experience self-chosen and adult directed activities during the course of a normal session.